Title: Fit for a Crown
Logline: Sophia, a plus-size woman struggling with life’s setbacks, aspires to become a Disney Princess. Her journey takes her through the rigorous corridors of a prestigious princess academy, where she must confront societal expectations and discover what true royalty means.
Synopsis: Sophia is a cheerful, plus-size woman in her late twenties who has recently lost her job and moved back into her childhood home. Feeling adrift, she reignites an old dream of becoming a Disney Princess at Disney World. Fueled by her supportive friend Ellie, Sophia audaciously sets her sights on an upcoming audition. However, she’s plagued by insecurities that she needs to fit a certain “mold” to win the part.
Determined to transform herself, Sophia enrolls in a prestigious Princess Academy led by Lady Eleanor, a woman who embodies an antiquated, narrow definition of what a princess should be. Sophia finds the academy’s teachings at odds with her own spirited, clumsy, and adventurous personality. Her authentic self starts to challenge the academy’s traditional norms and influences her classmates to question these archaic rules as well.
As the crucial audition day approaches, Sophia’s friends notice a shift in her behavior. She seems to be losing her genuine spark in an effort to conform to the academy’s expectations. When Sophia takes center stage for her audition, a pivotal moment arises that forces her to decide between maintaining a facade or being true to herself. This decision has far-reaching implications, not only for her dream but for her understanding of what it truly means to be royal.